

15 Female

Living in Nj


Hi! I'm 15 years old, and my school barely provides any sort of language education at all. I really need to work on my pronunciation in French, Russian, and German, and that's what I'm here for! At the moment I am fluent in French and Russian, and know little to no German. If anyone could help me in any of those languages, that would be awesome! I read and write well in French and English, so I might be of help there.

My skype is AnnaConfa1209. Please feel free to hmu there.

Thanks for reading :)


Pronunciation in French

Pronounciation in German

Pronounciation in Russian

Literacy in Russian

Literacy in German
Nothing posted yet

  • I understand fluent French and Russian, and speak both reasonably well, but I need to improve. I know little to no German. I'm a native English and Russian speaker, but I cannot read or write in Russian. I need a skype partner badly. 
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