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49 Male

Living in Bilbao 48014


I am a native speaker of Spanish (Castillian). And i am living with my older sister and my elder parents; i am a Catholic. I wear glasses. i am 49. I pray The Rosary. i have written more of fifty sentences towards the Peace and i shared them for free. i have written one Poemary Romantic. I live in Bilbao city.i am searching natives sepakers of English for exchange my Spanish for their English. i can get more fluent way of communication with the written mode than with the spoken way. i have a few practice in the listen to natives sepakers of English in their standar speed of speaking i always request for get more slow way of speak me.. My color favourite is the Green.I am discapacited but i can move me with normality still..I help in the houschores and i usually go to the supermarket to buy somethigs for my older sister.I recived medication fro my health each tree weeks. I know sometyhings of French--i was traveling for france in my younger years---I am the only of my five brothes siters so do not get the Higher Education. All my brothers have it. even the younger sister. i do not like to exchange with teeagers and yes with adult people. I do not like football.i do not use bad words. i like the Education.


I am interested in the Natural Health and in the Terapeutic Massage. i like the Religion and the classsical music of Camera Music and also concerts of the Baroque time and stile. i do not like the Rock i like some type of Jazz only. i like the sweets. And I like the dark chocolate. And I take frequently coffe with milk. I ahve eliminate in my groupp of The Church several Headaches with Masaage in some women of very differents ages from youg  women until elder women. And i know how to Practuce One Massage in the Feet and in the abck --From Cervicals Until Lumbars vertebres of the Back. I have practice Massage in the Feet to my both sisters and to one aunt and to one brother and to two frinds and to another people. i do not like the Sport of Millions in the players--with alot of money fro win or lost one match-- i like the popular sport of the younger people and i do not belive in the Lottery only I play Lottery wiht the Red Cross and for Charity goals.i have trubles fro sleep in standar time of sleep--and i slep in other times- and sometimes i due to take one Coffe or similar-My Skype name it is : joncgeg   .and my email is .
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  • i need to improve my understanding of English beacuse almost all infroamtion is expresed into English this is so early or late but always.My skype is : joncgeg In it we acn meet and echange my Sapish for your English and mu email is : Greetings.
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